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Bindomatic 9000
Bindomatic 9000 Machine The introduction of Bindomatic® 9000 sets a completely new market standard for document thermal-glue binding!

The capacity to process and bind a document every two seconds is astonishing, but what truly sets it apart from all others is it’s superior work flow efficiency. Up to 60 documents can be loaded into the machine at one time, freeing you up to work in parallel while simultaneously binding your documents.
Bindomatic 7000
Bindomatic 7000 Machine Bindomatic’s Drop&Go Technology makes the new Bindomatic® 7000 System 16x faster than punch and bind and 12x faster than tape binding. Its efficiency — superseded only by the new Bindomatic® 9000 — binds documents at an impressive rate of 20 documents per minute. Details
Bindomatic 5000
Bindomatic 5000 Machine Bindomatic 5000